Leading-edge treatments for the most common form of skin cancer.
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Treatment for Basal Cell Carcinoma in Chicago, IL
When our dermatologist tells us that—yes—it is skin cancer, we may go entirely numb. We see all that we’ve done and all that we hope to do play out before our eyes. We may even be so distracted that we miss the name of the cancer itself. For an overwhelming majority of Americans, the name of that cancer is basal cell carcinoma. But as the most common form of skin cancer in the world, basal cell carcinoma is also widely and successfully treated.
At Skin MD in Chicago, IL, we know how shocking it can be to learn that you have skin cancer. But there is good news: of all the skin cancers out there, basal cell carcinoma rarely spreads, is easily treated, and is highly survivable. In fact, basal cell carcinoma has a relative 100% survival rate 5 years after diagnosis. That’s not to say that this skin cancer isn’t dangerous. Without treatment, it can be fatal. Learn more about basal cell carcinoma by contacting Skin MD today.

Common Risk Factors of Basal Cell Carcinoma
Each year, nearly 3.5 million Americans will be diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma—that’s roughly the entire population of Connecticut or about 25% of the population of Illinois. In other words, basal cell carcinoma is exceedingly common.
If you spot a suspicious lesion on skin that’s frequently exposed to the sun, schedule your skin cancer screening today. While common, basal cell carcinoma occurs more frequently in those with several common risk factors.
If one or more of these risk factors are true of you, it’s best to schedule an appointment with a trusted dermatologist at a skin clinic near you. Find a Skin MD office in a Chicago neighborhood just like yours.
Basal Cell Carcinoma Treatments
Basal cell carcinoma begins as a semi-transparent lump on patches of skin that are exposed to the sun. It may also appear on or around your genitals. Most often, the bump is skin-colored with a minor sheen to it. It may also appear slightly darker than your natural skin tone.
Thankfully, common skin cancers have common treatment options. At Skin MD in Chicago, we may recommend one or more of the following treatments for your basal cell carcinoma.
There are several other treatment options for basal cell carcinoma that may work best for you. At Skin MD, we’ve assembled the brightest dermatological minds from across the globe. Together with our patients, we’ve fought against basal cell carcinoma and won. To learn more, call us today at 708-636-3767.
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