Take control of your skin color & pigmentation while managing vitiligo symptoms.
Find a treatment that works for you.
Redefine Beauty With Vitiligo Treatment in Chicago, IL
Your hair, eyes, and skin receive their color from a naturally occurring skin pigment called melanin. But our melanin production changes throughout our lifetimes, leading to white hair, discolored spots (hyperpigmentation), and even a complete loss of pigmentation in some. Vitiligo (vit-uh-lie-go) is a rare skin condition characterized by non-functioning melanocytes—the cells that give skin color. As an autoimmune condition with genetic links, vitiligo has no cure, but the discolorations (whitening of skin) it causes can be reversed.
At Skin MD, LLC, we embrace skin in all its forms. While not dangerous, vitiligo can compromise our self-image and draw unwanted attention. Thankfully, several options exist to either restore natural color to the affected areas or remove pigmentation from others. You can achieve an even, beautiful complexion by whichever route works best for you. To learn more about vitiligo treatment in Chicago, IL, contact your expert dermatologists at a skin clinic near you.

Types & Locations of Vitiligo
Vitiligo patients share one exceedingly common symptom—the development of macules in numerous locations on the body. Macules are discolored patches of skin that develop on the hands, feet, arms, face, and even inside your mouth or nose.
Vitiligo comes in several common forms, each with its own area of concern. Thankfully, modern treatment options allow us to restore your natural color or alter the surrounding skin for a more even complexion.
Leading Vitiligo Treatment Options
Vitiligo is not dangerous, though it can severely impact our confidence, self-image, and self-esteem. Some patients choose to embrace depigmentation (pigment loss). Others may prefer to restore color to affected areas or remove color from surrounding areas for a more even complexion.
Your choice of treatment option is deeply personal to you, and the expert dermatologists at Skin MD can help you review the leading solutions. Here are the most common options available.
At the moment, vitiligo has no known cure. While the skin condition can be slowed in some instances, it cannot be stopped. For your official vitiligo diagnosis, or to explore the leading treatment options, schedule your appointment today.
Why Choose Skin MD For Vitiligo Treatment?
Your Questions Answered
Vitiligo FAQs
For a vitiligo diagnosis, or to uncover the causes and treatments of any skin condition, call Skin MD in Chicago, IL, at 708-636-3767.
The expert dermatologists at Skin MD, LLC, can diagnose your form of vitiligo and offer the latest treatment options and guidance. Contact us today.