Your Winter Eczema Survival Guide: 6 Essential Remedies
Winter can be challenging for anyone, but it can feel especially brutal for those living with eczema. The cold, dry air strips away moisture from your skin, resulting in unbearable itchiness and irritation. But don’t let winter get the best of you—with the right eczema management techniques, you can embrace…
Most Common Pediatric Skin Conditions to Watch for in 2025
Even for adults, it can be puzzling to understand the cause of and treatments for sudden or chronic skin conditions. This anxiety is even worse when unknown skin conditions affect our young children. Their delicate skin is more susceptible to various irritants and infections, leading to a wide range of…
There’s Nothing to Fear About Chemical Peels
Chemical peels have long been shrouded in mystery and fear, often conjuring images of dramatic, peeling skin. However, modern chemical peels are far from the horror stories of the past. When administered by a qualified dermatologist, these treatments offer a safe and effective way to rejuvenate your skin. Gone…
Basal, Squamous, & Merkel – The Skin MD Guide to Carcinomas
We often hear on the news and from doctors that skin cancer is the most prevalent form of cancer in the United States. Many Americans are familiar with the dangers of skin cancer, yet few can distinguish between the various types of skin carcinomas. In this blog, we’ll delve into…
Beyond the Itch: Mastering Eczema Management
Eczema. For those who’ve experienced its relentless itch and unsightly flare-ups, it’s more than just a skin condition; it’s a daily battle. The constant urge to scratch, the red, inflamed patches that seem to appear out of nowhere, the dry, cracked skin that stings and burns—it’s enough to make anyone…
Managing Psoriasis: Answers to Common FAQs
While not as widely discussed as acne or eczema, psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that can significantly impact the lives of those affected. According to recent research, over 8 million adults in the United States suffer from psoriasis, which represents about 3.0% of the U.S. adult population aged 20…
Managing Rosacea With Personalized Care at Skin MD Chicago
According to the National Rosacea Society, an estimated 16 million Americans suffer from the condition. However, many may not realize they have it or seek treatment. The condition most commonly develops after the age of 30. It affects people of all skin types, though it is more frequently diagnosed in…
How to Fight Acne & Acne Scars – Modern & Effective Acne Treatments
For as many as 50 million Americans, acne feels like the battle that never ends. You’re using the same prescription cream and examining the latest damage in the same mirror, feeling the same way about your current acne treatment. It can seem like a cycle without innovation or cause for…
Everything You Need to Know About Mohs Surgery – A Guide
When most of us think about cancer treatment, we think about chemotherapy. But chemo is only one option, used primarily when cancerous growths can’t be treated with surgery or radiation. When it comes to skin cancer, chemo is a rare method. In most cases, surgical excision or even immunotherapy may…
How to Spot Skin Cancer – The ABCDEs of Melanoma
When we think about our health, we tend to favor the most vital organs. We think about our hearts. We think about our lungs. But too often, we forget the body’s largest and most visible organ–our skin. Unfortunately, this oversight can have disastrous consequences. In the United States alone, upwards…